Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dogs of Yore

Amazing! I got my wish, we are having a thunderstorm. Thunder, lightening, no forest fires, I hope and petrichor. That is my favorite word. It describes the smell that arises when rain first strikes the earth or pavement. It is delightful and evocative. I am transported to a front porch in Indiana, a five year old boy with his arm around a Gordon Setter, watching a thunderstorm. The dog is long gone, a victim of distemper, but the scene is still vivid. All in all, five is a pretty good age. It's a funny thing, I started this blog as busy work to keep from obsessing about my current situation, but I find myself doing something just like that. At least revisiting points in my life, perhaps it will be instructive. I don't think Ill ever be too old to learn. Too addled, maybe, which of course is often a product of age. Time will tell.

The rain sounds like marbles falling into a metal basin. I have vague memories of a white porcelin clad shallow bowl with a red strip around its rim. It's a sound that has often lulled me to sleep. A lovely idea, therefore as Boswwell wrote, "and so, to bed."

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